Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 10:24 PM
so,here i am sitting in front of the television,eating a bar of merci chocolate which i got for my birthday.its not exactly a bar,more like a stick.
a combination of both actually.
ok,back to reason as to why i'm writing this post.
i've been really blessed since i turned 18 and i hope it stays like this for the rest of my life,if not,at least the rest of the year.
today,i was asked if i had gotten over the heartache i was going through throughout the most of last year,and i told that person,i'm getting there.
it sure has taken me a long time,but i'm sure i'll be able to get over it soon.
then,there is the part about how i might get the chance to go for the MAROON 5 concert.i'm really excited about it!
i hope i can get tickets!!
Friday, February 15, 2008 at 12:31 AM

my blog's theme contradicts my life.
but i'm happy just the way things are!:)
Thursday, February 07, 2008 at 12:13 AM
hey!!ok,school is supposedly over but it is still unofficially over because i still have to go back for some classes for the next two weeks.
you guys will know when school is officially over when you see the post that has this:
so,look out for that.
so today,school was rather lame.
went to school for two hours.
first was for a lecture that took all together half and hour.
and then,was for typography submission.
everything was done at 12.
so then,a few of us,eight to be exact,went to J8 for lunch.
and then i went home to finally get a decent nap,after such a long time.
i can't believe that in a few months time,i'm gonna start my second year in poly.
that is,if i can manage to score a decent GPA.
time is moving on so fast!!
but first,i shall enjoy this coming holidays and recuperate.
and do something useful as well.
i already have something in mind.
i will let you guys know what it is,when i start doing it.
i hope i will.
oh yeah,i almost forgot!
i'll be having my 18th birthday party on the 9th itself.
and i'm so freaking excited!
for those who were invited,i really hope you guys can make it.
because my biggest fear is that no one will turn up and that the bbq turns out to be so damn pathetic.
so don't make my worst fear come true!
i hope to take lots of pictures and you guys will be able to see them here as well as on friendster lah.
i must buy extra batteries!!
what happens to me is that i always forget to take pictures because i'll be too busy having fun!
to those who were invited,
i hope to see you guys on the Saturday,9th Feb!!
for now i will leave you guys with these goofy pictures:
beauty pageant contestants,Miss Geeky Singapore
Miss Punggol
Miss Hougang
Miss Lorong Ah Soo and Miss Bedok's solo shots are missing.