Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 7:59 PM
Well,I have collected enough pay to buy myself a little something...
I got myself an iPod touch lah....!!!!I'm having so much with it!!as it is I am writing this post with my very cool iPod touch...
I want to thank syarif for coming with me to get it! I appreciate it very much!
It was great to finally meet you after two weeks,I missed you:DD
We watched angels and demons.
Good movie lah dey...don't have to watch davinci to get this.symbolism is so much fun!!
syarif is going to kill me for this...but i don't care..!!:D:D:D
i kissed a girl....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 10:01 PM
damn it!it's been so hot at work!!
the freaking aircon is like me when i'm having my period,freaking moody!
and when i say moody,i mean almost the whole time the freaking thing is switched on its giving out warm air!!
what aircon gives out warm air?!...it totally defeats the purpose of its existance!
but the reason its switched on is because,if its not,then we all will die from no ventilation.
like i said i've been entertained everyday by listening to hitz.fm
its a really entertaining radio station,especially if you understand malay.
please ah....its not a malay radio stesen!
its a malaysian english radio station,so i hope you get what i'm trying to say lah...
okok,nothing much already but i've been the taking photos at family gathering and i'm hardly in any of them!...it sucks!
i hope a miracle will happen and a godsend aircon technician will appear to fix the damn thing!useless pieceofshit!
the title of this post is such only because its the song that's stuck in my head,i know its a bit lambat(late)and i couldn't come up with a better title,like my blog url!
i wish for a cold,windy day!
i fell in love....
Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 9:02 PM
oh dear...i went to work and, as usual, i got into my routine.
-switched on the computer.
-plug in my earpiece to my phone.
-turn on the radio to hitz.fm
-started on my work and listen to the latest songs being played on air.
-played solitaire.
and then it happened!
i fell in love with this.....
Heartless - Kris Allen
better than the original!
reyhan fir iqbal!
Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 7:55 PM
well... i thought my vesak day would have been a waste because i had no prior plans but thanks to my very adorable nephew,it was all worth it!
i started the day early.its a public holiday and its the last one i will have until the end of attachment,so i didn't want it to go to waste!
like i said,i had no prior plans.so i kind of decided to go with the flow and i had a very satisfying,no prior plans made,day!we went out to have lunch and like i said before i haven't really had the chance to bring my new toy out,so i decided to bring it out today and get some snaps.
after lunch in pasir ris,we went to tampines and to tampines mall and the new tampines one mall.headache lah....so many people!!
anyway,that was it lah....but a good day lah.
headache ah....
Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 10:08 PM
i cannot stand the heat in yishun mann!!
its so bloody hot!!
when i get to work every morning,the weather is just nice but once i go out for lunch and when i get back,its like i'm in the sauna lorr!
buay tahan ah!!
how do the people who live in yishun stand it??
living in punggol with so many trees and fields around,i cannot tahan the heat in yishun lah...
today was suppose to be another uneventful and unproductive day at work,until i decided to build up the material library...and i took my time to do it.i took lots of mini breaks to read and play solitaire again.
today was pretty much a very chill day at work....
i've been looking forward to updating my blog these days,i hope this sudden streak of blogging is here to stay,if not you know soon enough...
P.S. the 7th falls on today!!:D:D
Work sucks,i know!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 9:42 PM
the day started cold...
i thought it was just gloomy but when i left the house,i realised that the rain was quite heavy.
the day at work was not a productive one at all!
i went to work and got myself addicted to solitaire all over again.i remembered playing solitaire when i was younger and the only reason why i played solitaire then,was because that was the few things i knew how to use on the computer.i didnt know how to surf the net until i was,maybe around the age of 10??anyway,the reason why i'm stating this ancient fact is because that is what happpens when i don't get internet connection at work.i was playing it on and off from when i punched in,like around 9 plus,till the time i got ready to leave for work about 5.50pm!i'm such a pathetic soul.hahaha!!
i'm halfway through week 5,so i have about 6 1/2 weeks more to go!
i've got to hang on!!!
i will see you soon and we can have fun in NYP!
never thought i would say that and actually mean it.

I didn't notice what was on display behind us up until recently and i think its quite true.love you woman!see you in NYP in 6 1/2 weeks!!:D:D
I miss having stupid and crazy fun with this people!
I'm sorry....
Tuesday, May 05, 2009 at 11:43 PM
well...today i met up with syarif.to tell you the truth,i wasn't really looking forward to meeting him cause i was upset,you can tell from the previous entry.
anyway,i waited and he finally arrived.initially,i was ok but after a while the fatigue from work and the ridiculous heat got to me and i was exhausted.kind of took it out on him.
he did the sweetest thing!!
he was waiting for my bus with me and asked me if i wanted him to send me home.of course i wanted him to send me home!
i was the last one to board the bus and then i heard someone tapping the card,when i turned i saw it was my coconut head!!:D:D:D
he took the bus with me to punggol from yishun!!:D:D
after that went through some ups and downs but now things are all ok....
Do whatever you want.
Monday, May 04, 2009 at 9:24 PM
oh well.
a lot has happened since i last updated and i feel crappy these days.my excitements and happiness are all shortlived.i get so angry and pissed that i can't even shout and all i end up doing is cry.
i've realised though,that crying and shouting are not worth it because it doesn't make a difference.the only question is have is "how about you understand where i'm coming from with this reaction??" i've said so many times that you can do anything you want and i won't be there to stop you,because i don't do that.still,you never fail to make me feel like i tie you up and make you ask me for permission for every single thing or action you want to do!!!i cannot remember a time when i've stopped you from doing anything that you wish to do.naturally,i have my objections but i've never said "don't do it or else,i'll never speak to you again." or "you do it,and never call me again."
sometimes i feel like everything is my fault and i'm not allowed to have a reaction because you will be unhappy about the way i might react to whatever it is....i don't know but maybe its true.i am a burden to you.since you feel that i obstruct you from doing things that you want to do and somehow when i do express my concerns and feelings,you,almost,always make me feel like they are ridiculous.i believe that nobody likes to know like their feelings and concerns are irrational and doesn't need to be attended to because it would such a waste of precious time.
i've done my reflection and i'm still very much at a lost.i know that i tend to overeact and make a mountain out of a mole hill.my mistake.now i try my very best to calm down and think before i react but it doesn't help when i end up feeling that i'm not allowed a reaction to things that upset me.especially if they were done by you.
i am tired.