hole in the brain...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 10:17 AM
okok,i'm back now.after a hiatus of about 2 weeks,i'm back now.maybe not the updats would not be as often as it was before this but i'll try to blog when i have the time,like now for instance.
anyway,hole in the brain!!
all thanks to studio.i have 9 weeks to get the idea of what i want to do and now its the end of the third week.i'm dead meat!...and its not just me,i think they're other people that would agree with me!
ok lah,enough about studio.
i went to ILUMA last night.a really nice place!!
and the theatre was not golden village or cathay,it was FILMGARDE!
something different lah horr.
ok lah,that's all for now,cause i'm dead hungry now and i want to eat!
10.30 faster!!

P.S. my ear is not retarded!
i know...
Saturday, July 04, 2009 at 1:04 AM
i know...that you think that you might be making the right decision.i know...you think that i'm wasting my time.
i know...you think i can find someone better.
i know...that you don't read this,even though its meant for you.
i know...you don't find this entertaining.
but maybe,just maybe,you will realise that things are closer to my heart more than you think.
Friday, July 03, 2009 at 12:15 PM
i'm fighting a battle that's already a lost cause.i want to fight this "virus" but i guess its a little too late now.
i've definitely tried my best to overcome this whole situation but whatever i do,it doesn't seem to make a difference.people tell me i will get through this "virus" and look back and be able to laugh about it.maybe...i hope too.
well,i've seen it happen.people getting through this "virus" and moving on.i know i will too but i just want to skip all the painful moments and all the breakdowns.i've had a taste of this road,2 years ago but that was just a taste.now its like full blown,in the face kind of thing....
deep breaths!!
it helps!!-__-