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hole in the brain...
Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 10:17 AM
okok,i'm back now.

after a hiatus of about 2 weeks,i'm back now.maybe not the updats would not be as often as it was before this but i'll try to blog when i have the time,like now for instance.

anyway,hole in the brain!!
all thanks to studio.i have 9 weeks to get the idea of what i want to do and now its the end of the third week.i'm dead meat!...and its not just me,i think they're other people that would agree with me!

ok lah,enough about studio.
i went to ILUMA last night.a really nice place!!
and the theatre was not golden village or cathay,it was FILMGARDE!
something different lah horr.

ok lah,that's all for now,cause i'm dead hungry now and i want to eat!
10.30 faster!!

P.S. my ear is not retarded!
i know...
Saturday, July 04, 2009 at 1:04 AM
i know...that you think that you might be making the right decision.

i know...you think that i'm wasting my time.

i know...you think i can find someone better.

i know...that you don't read this,even though its meant for you.

i know...you don't find this entertaining.

but maybe,just maybe,you will realise that things are closer to my heart more than you think.
Friday, July 03, 2009 at 12:15 PM
i'm fighting a battle that's already a lost cause.

i want to fight this "virus" but i guess its a little too late now.
i've definitely tried my best to overcome this whole situation but whatever i do,it doesn't seem to make a difference.people tell me i will get through this "virus" and look back and be able to laugh about it.maybe...i hope too.

well,i've seen it happen.people getting through this "virus" and moving on.i know i will too but i just want to skip all the painful moments and all the breakdowns.i've had a taste of this road,2 years ago but that was just a taste.now its like full blown,in the face kind of thing....

deep breaths!!
it helps!!-__-

anger,confusion and fear.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 10:07 PM
is a deadly combination.

being angry and confused and fearful is irritating!
it tires you out and you don't know how to feel even.if someone were to ask me how i'm feeling,i think my brain will explode trying to answer that question.

i hate being like this.i can be so angry and not care what happens next but at the next moment,i'll be so confused that i keep playing the same scenarios over and over in my mind in an effort to make sense of everything.then,when i start to fear losing something or someone,i'll just collapse and submerged in my tears.

this sucks big time!!
i want to get out of this god forsaken phase...and only way is to see

his smile!!
5 more days and 6 more days!!
Monday, June 22, 2009 at 8:44 PM

5 more days to the end of attachment and i so can't wait for it!!
i mean,one more week!!i still remember the very first dayi made my way to work.i had put in so much effort to get ready...but now you should see the way i look when i go to work....i look like crap.i really can't be bothered at all.not even eyeliner...

the place is so dusty that if i were to put on eyeliner,by the time it is lunch,one eye is bigger than the other...get what i mean??
anyway,its almost over and i'm just going to be a zombie this last week and hope that it'll go one smoothly.the only glitch that i've experience is that time is moving extra slowly this week,like on purpose like that....and at the end of this week,is party time!!those invited,its time to have fun!
oohh...after all the fun we've had,i will share it with you guys who do read my blog.

6 more days and syarifuddin will be back!!

i can't wait...he looks and sounds like he's having fun!
but its all going to end,mister!hahahaha!!
i'll see you and i hope you enjoy reading your daily updates!
i miss you tuckloads!!:D:D

in conversation with....
Friday, June 12, 2009 at 10:01 AM
-mandy mona lisa
-alamak woman


mandy mona lisa says:
my brother's friend spells SINGAPORE as SINGAPOUR..lols

alamak woman says:
your brother's friend is french ah?

mandy mona lisa says:
yeah,french spell Singapore like that ah?

alamak woman says:


i have a bangala friend and he spells SINGAPORE as SINGAPOOR.

mandy mona lisa and alamak woman says:
LOLS and AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA! respectively.

funny mehh?...i thought it was suppose to be lame.

this was what happens when we start to talk cock.
my laptop is down and i'm updating at work,so no pictures!
aww...he's leaving!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 at 8:50 PM

i'm going to complain about the heat in yishun again!
its unbearable!!!

you know what,i actually i don't really have an idea of what to blog about but i just felt like i should because i haven't in a while...

"i'm thinking,i'm thinking,i'm thinking...."hahahha,i got that from A Night at the Museum 2.i enjoyed a lot but i don't know why people,like syarif,don't even want to give the movie a chance.you suck for that!hahha!

well,i don't know if people who happen to be my friends on facebook noticed but are there days when you log in into facebook and you see Nuruljannah Iqbal has done countless number of quizzes...well,if you haven't,then,maybe,you will after this.yeah,the reason why i brought that up is because,i was doing one of the many "minah" quizzes on fb and when they showed me my results,there was a link to a livejournal blog.maybe some of you might have come across the blog but there i was at work,with nothing much left to do and i had 2 hours left.so,i decided to give it a look.well,i was reading it until it was time to go home.

it was very engaging,that is,if you have the time lah...
okok,that's about all the free time i have to blog right now..laters!!

the blog i was talking about...

you know what,the reason behind the title of this post is actually about the fact that syarif is leaving for Batam(he's going for community work for school,ok.not anything else...)in 1 1/2 weeks time!!
i want him to come back fast,so that,by then,my attachment will be over!!